
The New Year Celebrate

In Thailand has many celebrate, and Thai people are likes the New Year celebrate.
The New Year is the public holidays in Thailand. It is the occasion for religious and festive events.
**This advertisement in front of a temple announces "the end of year is coming and welcome to new year". It invites to do good actions such as freeing fish, freeing birds, doing alms, giving a coin in 108 bowls in order to repair the old "VIHARN". They also come to listen to Dharma speeches told by monks. Famous Thai temples often organize feats to attract visitors and donators. Temples near rivers might organise boat contests.Two molam concerts are happening on 31st December and 1st January

For New Year holiday, I and my family will go back to Choum Porn, It is my other home.We got dinner, and including lobsters and beers. Many Thai people go back to their home in Thai provinces, too. Of course nobody forgot overnight the deaths but many here would like to see a bigger picture of what's really is the life here. It doesn't mean nobody are concerned anymore, but we just want and we have to live. Bangkok has lost its traffic jams for a few days. Thai police also made many controls as casualties are numerous due to alcohol abuses. In the New Year Celebrate, many of people will have accidents come from drunk-driving.

Many Thai people also organize evening feasts for New year's eve. Often Thai people go from one feast to another. At midnight and during the following days, everybody greets each other with the saying "SAWATDEE PI MAI". It like "happy new year!".
On the 1st January morning, Thai people go to Buddhist temples to listen to the Dharma and make donations to the monks. After the Buddhist ceremony, everybody leave the temple. A new day is starting but it is the first day of a new year. For the new year first Buddhist sermon, Thai people are smarter and wear their most elegant clothes.

FOR LUCK IN THE NEW YEAR TRADITIONAL, it was thought that one could affect the luck they would have throughout the coming year by what they did or ate on the first day of the year. For that reason, it has become common for folks to celebrate the first few minutes of a brand new year in the company of family and friends. Parties often last into the middle of the night after the ringing in of a new year. It was once believed that the first visitor on New Year's Day would bring either good luck or bad luck the rest of the year. It was particularly lucky if that visitor happened to be a tall dark-haired man.

Traditional New Year foods are also thought to bring luck. Many cultures believe that anything in the shape of a ring is good luck, because it symbolizes "coming full circle," completing a year's cycle. For that reason, the Dutch believe that eating donuts on New Year's Day will bring good fortune. Many parts of the U.S. celebrate the new year by consuming black-eyed peas. These legumes are typically accompanied by either hog jowls or ham. Black-eyed peas and other legumes have been considered good luck in many cultures. The hog, and thus its meat, is considered lucky because it symbolizes prosperity. Cabbage is another "good luck" vegetable that is consumed on New Year's Day by many. Cabbage leaves are also considered a sign of prosperity, being representative of paper currency. In some regions, rice is a lucky food that is eaten on New Year's Day.

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