
29/10/2007 - 4/11/2007

At 29/10/2007, it is opening school. I have class at 11am. It is English subject. Before I go to the class, I go to change subject form BG 2033 to BG 1022, because I am not pass BG 1022, I must to make up. Before I go to change, I call to my friend, and ask her about English subject. She is not passing,too. So, I wait her to change this subject together.

At 30/10/2007, I have a class at 9 am. I study about investment subject. When I finish this subject , I walk to my friend at S budding. Because I have class at 11am. When I and my friend go to the class, I saw a lot of student in this class. I and my friend talk about how we can do. I tell my friend " Next class we will come to study, O.K. ". She is O.K. So, I and my friend walk down to the library, and then I go back to my home.

At 1/11/2007, today I have class at 11 am. Before I go to the class, I go to the Big C shopping center, because I need to buy something for my friend. But I can not buy it, because it out of stock. I take the taxi came back to the university. I go to the English class. I and my friend will be together. When I and my friend come to the class, I see the teacher, he is Jasper. My same teacher in the old class. I finished class at 12.30, in this evening, I have the meeting at 3 pm. I go to my faculty, and saw other friends. I sew just 2 persons, they are Keaw and Net. I ask them about other friends. They tell me "some guys can not come, and some guys , they come late. And then I go to the library for wait another friend. So, they came at 3.30, I finish the meeting at 5 pm. And then I walk around the university before came back to my home.

At 4/11/2007, today I did not have class. I wake up at 10 am, and then I go to take a shower before go to the university, because today I must to test the first student in my faculty ( freshman) they must to show me about the cheer. The junior students ask me to help them about to teacher to freshman in the AU GAMES. They need me and other senior students to help them. I finish to teacher to freshman students at 21 pm. And then I go back to my home, and go to take a shower, before came to send this blog to you.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Change all Thai links to English links and your blog title to your first name. Otherwise I cannot grade your blog properly.