

On monday, I go to study at University. I go with my friends,they came to take me to the Internet shop around the University.Because they need a job in my USB.And then I go to C42,because I have class.I study the law subject and the english subject. I finish at 15.30.And then I go back to my house.I see the DVD to 23.50, go to take a shower and then go to bed.

I get up at 8.30 ,and go to take a shower before go to the University.I have a calss at 9.30. When I finish there class, I go to the Mall Shopping Center. I need to buy the gift for my mom, because this week is brithday my mom. So I need to buy the good thing form my mom,but I don't know what I want to buy.I walk around and see the thing in there.But I did't want anything,So I came back to theUniversity because I have have class again at 2pm.And then I go back to my house.

I get up 6.30,because I have idea to make the gift for my mom. I drive to my closefriend house,and tell her about my mom brithday.She is O.K. I need to buy a big brithday cake and make a someting show for my mom.

On friday,this is my mom briyhday. I , my older brother and my older sisther tell my mom we make something for her in her brithday.In the morning,we make a tiny party in the lawn.My mom must to find the gift.She take a time to find.And then she find the gift,in the gift we pack the golden rode,because she like a golden.In the everning,we go to the my friend pub in bangkok.It did't have many people,because I and my friend try to make a show for my mom.I and my friends change a dress,we sing the her favorite song and make a soft dance,too.We are so happy.We came back to the house at 2.30.And then I go to take a shower before go to bad.

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