
The thai constitation

In the democracy regime

Pra Pokklao Chaoyouhua acceded the Throne in 1925, He firmly determined to lay down the basics of a democratic regime as evidenced and documented in several preparations for granting of constitution to the people. The most important is the Royal Command to draft the constitution to be granted to the Thai people in the ISO Anniversary of Bangkok in 1932, but was stopped by the Privy Councils decision that the time was not right because the people lacked on of understanding of self governing. Therefore his idea to grant the constitution was terminated.

During that time there was increasing need for a democratic regime , that a group of people ,who called themselves ์Kana Rat๎ , got together and initiate a coup d'etat changing the regime from absolute Monarchy to Democracy on June 24 , 1932
The arms of "Kana Rat" appeared on the letter inviting King Pokklao to continue to be the King under the constitution as followed :
"Kana Rat" does not want to take over the Royal property , the great purpose is to have the constitution for the Land.Since then Thailand has a democratic regime of government with the King as Head of state until today.

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